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Life Support 2

Stainless Steel

Black Parkerized Carbon Steel

Featured in the Jerry and Sharon Ahearn book "Miamigrad" and "The Survivalist" series .
This LS2 with a 7 3/4 inch was designed due to the request for a more compact version of the larger 9" blade LS1.
Available in all Stainless Steel and all Carbon Steel.


Ford Fairlane
True Jaguar


As seen in the 1990 Andrew Dice Clay film "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" and featured in the 1988 Warren Norwood book "True Jaguar".
Very large at approx. 17" overall.
Blade approx. 11".
All stainless steel blade, guard and pommel.
Waterproof handle.



Time Police
Veritas Dagger

$545 Standard

$725 with
Rare Wood
and Wire Inlay

Designed for the book series "Time Police" written by Waren Norwood.
Stainless steel blade and guard.
African blackwood handle.
Over 10" in length.




The Defender


Featured in the 1988-1990 Jerry Ahern novel series "The Defender"

Life Support

LSX - $1195
LS1 - $875

LS1 shown for size comparison.
See LS1 info on Movie Knives

LSX [top], LS1 [bottom]
The LSX is part of the Life Support System® of Knives and is shown next to the large (9") LS1 and a standard size paperback book "The Survivalist" by Jerry Ahern for which the knife was designed.
The LSX is not just a longer (12") blade version, but is completely redesigned to support the longer blade.
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